EX03 Pomodoro Database Setup

Setup Team on GitHub Classroom

Teams can be found here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uQ_LlalW6lHUZGS7HMnWtbO0t4hu2kC_WDDSa024rj0/edit?usp=sharing

  1. One member of the team should carefully create the team. Only one member needs to take this step first. Create a team named “EX03_NN” where the NN is the TEAM NUMBER of your group on the pairings page sent out via Canvas. Check it closely! Accept the assignment on behalf of your team and, after refreshing, it will create a repository at github.com/comp423-24s/ex03-pomodoro-backend-ex03_NN. Assignment acceptance link: https://classroom.github.com/a/ohRjlJK4

  2. After completing Step 1, all other members of the team should join the correct team and accept the assignment to be added to the repository. Assignment acceptance link: https://classroom.github.com/a/ohRjlJK4

Set Up Your EX03 Repository

  1. In the Docker UI, make sure to fully stop the CSXL / EX01 / EX02 containers, including the db.
    1. Go to Docker Desktop.
    2. Go to the Containers tab.
    3. In the actions section, if any containers are running, click the stop button.
    4. Make sure to expand the container and ensure that the db is also stopped.
  2. Be sure to clone into your team assignment repository! From this point onward, you should only be working in that repo, not the “main” CSXL repo.
  3. Since the .env file is specific to each local repository, both members will need to recreate it before you can run the dev container! Refer back to the docs/get_started.md file as needed.
  4. Additionally, node_modules packages need to be installed via npm per the get_started.md file.
  5. Make a branch off of ex03-starter named stage. This is the branch you will be working off of and merging your work-in-progress branches into.
  6. Don’t forget to branch off of stage before starting your work!!

GitHub Repository Configuration

After the team repository has been initialized, setup the following repository branch settings in GitHub:

  1. Settings
  2. General > Default Branch > Change Branch to stage
    • Press the Swap Button (not the Pencil!) and select stage
    • If you do not see stage, be sure you completed all the steps in “Initialize Team Repository”, then refresh this page and try again.
  3. Change to the Branches tab in the sidebar
    1. Add Branch Protection Rule to prevent any pushing to ex03-starter
    2. Branch name pattern: ex03-starter
    3. (Check) Lock branch
    4. (Check) Do not allow bypassing the above settings
    5. Save Changes with Create Button
  4. Add Branch Protection Rule to enforce a professional team workflow on stage
    1. Branch name pattern: stage
    2. (Check) Require a pull request before merging
      1. (Check) Require approvals: 1 required
      2. (Check) Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
      3. (Check) Require approval of the most recent reviewable push
    3. (Check) Require conversation resolution before merging
    4. (Check) Require linear history
    5. (Check) Do not allow bypassing the above settings
    6. Save Changes
Contributor(s): Kris Jordan, Jade Keegan